Thursday, February 28, 2013

spring awakening

A spectacular mix of colours, patterns, textures and shapes. 
Styled by Anastasia Milovanova / Model Victoria Tuaz / Photographer Nikolay Biryukov

Follow Something beautiful

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

All settled

Hello everyone!:)

These days were crazy trying to find an apartment for us from Inov. They are expensive or unfurnished or in a not-so-good area but... We finally managed to find one for one group and another for us. I am moving to Lower East Side right by East Village, where I will be close to lots of restaurants, shops, markets and so on.
I love the area. It somewhat reminds me of Europe with small buildings, cute cafés and a laid-back atmosphere. On March 1st we move in. 2 guys and me, let's see how it goes:)
Yesterday, as the flat issue was no longer an issue, I finally started my work at AICEP, being the first objective organising a biotechnology roadshow. I hope it will be challenging in some way!
Also yesterday I discovered a good bakery which makes olive's bread, yupi:) it is amazing, really good! It made my day, I am crazy about bread.
And.... I went for a run. I think I had never stopped doing sports for so long (a month) and I really needed it. So good. I went with my friend and we ran by the river with the most amazing view to Manhattan:)

Maria Ana

P.S. Oh, and did I mention the building has a backyard?:)
P.P.S. My instagram: @maria_ana

More from my days...

 I told the girl my name was Maria with the portuguese accent and this was what I got;)

 I rode the bike and...well, you get it.
Sorry mom :)

I finally had the time to go to central park

Friday, February 22, 2013

the new york ego

If you know me in person you know I am laid back and completely distracted about what goes around me in terms of people staring and things like that.
Well, here it is impossible. They tell you everything. In-your-face. In Portugal only the people who love you and KNOW you will tell you if you look good or bad. No stranger, ever (I mean ever), will tell you anything on the street.
On the contrary, here in NY, only today I was asked if I was single and another two told me they loved my outfit. Thank you very much. Indeed. I am not used to listening to things like that besides from my bf, friends, family, etc. I think I can get used to this. I am even changing myself and almost told a girl in the metro today that she had beautiful hair. Maybe another day? :)
In my honest opinion it is not about getting all full of ourselves. It makes people's days better and everyone is happier.
You have got to love this city 

P.S. On a city with millions of people I managed to run into the creepy guy... I hid myself. I am so grown up.

P.P.S. Fingers crossed and tomorrow we sign for an apartment!

Maria Ana

(I am sorry I will stop translating to portuguese but it takes too much time.)

Follow Something beautiful

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I can smell the spring...

Pattern mix at its best! I think this is brilliant. Very well done and not-at-all clown like, thumbs up for the stylist, if you know who she/he is, let me know in the comments!

This is a 10!

Maria Ana

Follow Something beautiful

Monday, February 18, 2013

The apartment hunt

I knew it would be hard. But this hard, really? We search, we visit, we like it - no money, we don't like it but could afford it. Oh well... The thing is, we see a lot of apartments and rooms, we meet creepy people (more on that later...), we meet good people in creepy houses. Welcome to NY, Inov's!

Another problem is that we don't have any guarantees so we need to pay the 5 months ahead. Ouch! Yesterday we say a good apartment in a great area and the only issue is we need another person to be able o pay 5 months up front. Fingers crossed for one that arrives to city today. I can imagine myself on East Village - no doubt.

About the creepy guy I told you on he first paragraph... I was quite happy to be visiting a house on Gramercy - a nice area - until I met my potential roommate. In his 50's or 60's looking like he's waiting for some action. Oh god. Notwithstanding the fact that the flat was great and that you could see the Empire State Building from the window it was a big no no and I thank one of my new NY friends for texting me at that time and saving me from that situation. (The creepy guy was talking about me not worrying about he and his girlfriend having sex around and me getting used to walking from the bathroom to the room in my towel. Say no more - bye bye!)

Yesterday we also went to Brooklyn to see a flat, I had never been to Brooklyn and Williamsburg seemed pretty nice, european-like and full of young people. Very enjoyable. Nonetheless I preferred the East Village one.

I am starting to feel that we will be set this week and that we can now start to enjoy the city! Today is a national holiday so kudos to that and let's get in the freezing cold (-8ºC feeling like -14ºC with the windchill...) and enjoy.

Maria Ana
Follow Something beautiful

Eu sabia que ia ser difícil. Mas tão difícil, a sério? Nós procuramos, nós visitamos, se nós gostamos - não há dinheiro, não gostamos, temos dinheiro. Bem... A questão é, fartamo-nos de ver apartamentos e quartos, conhecemos pessoas sinistras (já conto mais...), conhecemos pessoas decentes mas em casas que não o são. Bem-vindos a NY Inov's!

Outro problema é que não temos garantias bancárias, pelo que nos pedem muitas vezes para pagarmos os 5 meses adiantados. Ouch! Ontem vimos uma casa bem porreira, numa zona muito boa e o problema é que nos falta uma pessoa que queira fazer os pagamentos assim à cabeça. Figas para que seja um dos que chega hoje à cidade. Consigo imaginar-me em East Village - certamente.

Acerca do senhor sinistro que vos falei no primeiro parágrafo... Estava eu toda contente por visitar uma casa em Gramercy - uma boa zona - até conhecer o meu potencial roommate. Com os seus 50, 60 anos com ar de quem queria festa. Oh god. Não obstante o facto de a casa ser boa e de se ver o Empire State Building da janela, aquilo foi um não redondo e só agradeço a um dos meus novos amigos daqui me ter mandado uma mensagem na altura certa e de me ter salvado daquela situação. (O homem sinistro já me estava a falar de eu não me preocupar de ele e a namorada andarem aos pinotes pela casa e de eu me habituar a ele ver-me a passar de toalha da casa de banho para o quarto. Nem diga mais nada - adeuzinho!)

Ontem fomos também a Brooklyn visitar uma casa, nunca tinha ido lá e Williamsburg pareceu-me muito giro, meio ao estilo europeu e cheio de gente jovem. Muito agradável. Mesmo assim, prefiro East Village.

Começo a sentir que esta semana somos capazes de ficar resolvidos de casa e que podemos começar a viver a cidade! Hoje é feriado, hurra! Vamos lá para o gelo (-8º com windchill fica -14º...) e aproveitar.

Maria Ana

Follow Something beautiful

Friday, February 15, 2013

the week #1

 (instagram: maria_ana)

So, you ask, how's NY? :)

It's sunny
It's cold
It's vibrant
It's full of life
It actually never sleeps
It is a nightmare to get a flat or just a room and it's not only due to prices.

That has been my first priority so I haven't been visiting much. I walk around. I am still trying to orientate myself without a compass. Yes - a compass. The iPhone has this archaic tool but it helps a lot in a city like this. 

NY is also the place where you see famous people. Well, in a week I saw the adorable Bill Cunningham and the not-so-adorable but incredibly talented John Galliano. (No, I did not ask for a photo, I am not that kind of person:)

And yesterday? Yesterday was Valentine's day and here it is HUGE! For someone from Europe this was fun to see. We went out to have dinner - 2 girls, 1 boy. He was THE king. Ahah.
In the next few days the group will be completed and it will be 8 of us here. And then, after we have a home, we start to live!

Happy weekend for all of you.
Follow Something beautiful

Então, perguntam vocês, como se está por NY? :)

Está sol
Está frio
É vibrante
É cheia de vida
Realmente nunca dorme
É um pesadelo arranjar casa ou quarto e não é só por culpa dos preços.

Essa tem sido a minha prioridade e, por isso, ainda não andei a visitar muito. Vou dando umas voltas. Ainda me estou a tentar orientar sem a bússola. Sim - uma bússola. O iPhone tem essa ferramenta arcaica mas que me tem dado muito jeito nesta cidade feita a régua e esquadro.

NY é também o sítio onde encontramos pessoas famosas. Eu, numa semana, vi o adorável Bill Cunningham e o não-tão-adorável mas super talentoso John Galliano. (Não, não pedi para tirar fotos com eles, não sou esse tipo de pessoa:)

E ontem? Ontem foi o Dia dos Namorados e aqui é BRUTAL! Para alguém da Europa foi divertido de ver. Nós fomos jantar fora - 2 raparigas e 1 rapaz. Ele era o REI. Ahah. Nos próximos dias o grupo vai ficar completo e seremos 8. Depois, quando tivermos casa podemos começar a viver!

Um feliz fim-de-semana para vocês.
Follow Something beautiful

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

An european in NYC - First day facts

I had been in NYC before (in 2000) but it is so different when you come and know you will be here for 6 months. I started observing right away and here are my first-day "discoveries":

- Huge doses: really! and it started on the plane! the sandwich they brought me for snack would have been more than enough for lunch. In the supermarket everything is bigger, the yoghurts start at 170g! wow (in Portugal they weight 125g)
- The Nutella here is liquid!!!: different formulation I suppose
- There are berries available at a much cheaper price than in Portugal, yey! I love them:)
- Everyone is super nice and they talk to you in the streets:
  "Lovely coat, I love the colour!"
  "Ooops, when you step on something nasty it is supposed to bring good luck" (I stepped on a pizza slice...classy!)
  "Hello, how are you?"

Well, that summarises my day:)
Today is all about finding a room for me to stay (right now I am at my lovely friend's house). If you're from NYC and have a place for me, please let me know :)

Tomorrow will be my first day of work!

Maria Ana
Follow Something beautiful


Já tinha estado em NY antes (em 2000) mas é tão diferente quando vimos e sabemos que vamos estar aqui 6 meses! Comecei logo por observar tudo à minha volta e estas foram as minhas "descobertas" de primeiro dia:

- As doses são gigantes: a sério! e começou logo no avião. A sandes que me trouxeram para o lanche tinha sobrado se tivesse sido para o almoço. No super mercado tudo é maior, os iogurtes começam com 170g! wow (os nossos têm 125g)
- A Nutella é líquida!! deve ter uma fórmula diferente, com certeza
- Há bagas por todo o lado e muito mais baratas, yey!! Adoro:)
- São muito simpáticos e falam connosco na rua:
  "Que lindo casaco, adoro a cor!"
  "Ooops, quando se pisa uma coisa má diz que traz boa sorte!" (eu pisei uma fatia de pizza...classy!)
  "Olá, como estás?"

Bem, isto resume o meu dia:)
Hoje será para pesquisar um quarto para ficar (estou em casa da minha querida amiga Guida). Se estiverem em NY ou se conhecerem alguém com um sítio para mim, digam-me :)

Amanhã é o primeiro dia de trabalho!

Maria Ana
Follow Something beautiful

Monday, February 04, 2013


It's been one week, sorry guys!

I have to start packing and organising things here in Lisbon because there's a big chance I leave next week!

I am starting to think about what to take and HOW ON EARTH DO YOU PACK FOR 3 DIFFERENT SEASONS?! Oh my...

One bag won't be enough - that I already realised... - so I am going to pack first the bag that will be going with me in the plane. 23kg I suppose. Winter and primary necessity stuff. Spring and summer will go through DHL or similar...

I think when you pack for a long stay like this, you realise what you can't live without, what you don't want to leave behind :)

So folding and rolling for me it is, starting today!

Maria Ana
Follow Something beautiful

PS: click on the images for sources


Já passou uma semana, desculpem!

Tenho de começar a fazer a mala e a organizar as coisas aqui em Lisboa, uma vez que devo ir embora para a semana!

Estou a começar a pensar no que levar e COMO É QUE É SUPOSTO FAZER UMA MALA PARA 3 ESTAÇÕES DO ANO?! Oh my...

Uma mala não será suficiente - já cheguei a essa brilhante conclusão... - por isso vou começar com a mala que preciso agora e que vai comigo no avião. 23kg é o que imagino que posso levar. Coisas de inverno e de primeira necessidade. Primavera e verão vou mandar numa mala pela DHL ou similar...

Acho que quando fazemos uma mala para um estadia assim longa é que vemos o que realmente nos faz falta e que não podemos viver sem :)

Por isso, hoje para mim é dobrar e fazer rolinhos!

Maria Ana
Follow Something beautiful

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